Title: Functional Rehabilitation Interventions for Chronic Ankle Instability: A Systematic Review Authors: Kathryn A. Webster and Phillip A. Gribble Reference: Journal of Sport Rehabilitation, 2010, 19, 98-114 Study Type: Systematic Review Aims: The authors aim to answer 2 clinical questions with the results of their review. These are: (1) Does functional rehabilitation improve dynamic postural […]
INTRODUCTION As a sports physiotherapist I spend my weekends at sporting grounds assessing, diagnosing, treating, and probably most importantly preventing sports injuries. Similar to the majority of sports physios – I do this mostly out of love for the industry and sport (as sporting clubs are frequently strapped for cash). For my rugby league team […]
Thank you for visiting my website. As the tag line indicates I am currently constructing this website. As a busy physiotherapist, as I’m sure many of you are, this may take some time. However, none the less I am seeing an increase in the number of visitors to my current “bare bones” site. I would […]
Im now attemtping to practice video embedding – an ankle taping technique from Mulligan. Important as a sports physiotherapist. Great video to watch.