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Altered Motor Control - Review of ResearchAltered Motor Control – Review of Research
Kyle Kiesel PT, PhD, ATC, CSCS
This, of course is a complex question, but we have learned that the response to movement following injury is more complex than previously thought. One approach is to look at injury risk factors to, in a sense, we work backwards to help us answer the question. By considering risk factors for injury, we gain a better understanding of what happening in the motor control system after injury. It is clear from the peer reviewed literature that previous injury is by far the most robust factor related to future injury. With this fact in mind, it should make us feel somewhat uncomfortable as rehabilitationists that those with a previous injury, even after completing rehabilitation, are at the greatest risk of subsequent injury. . . . 
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Is the Present Day Athlete Prepared for the Initiation of Athletic Performance Enhancement Training?Is the Present Day Athlete Prepared for the Initiation of Athletic Performance Enhancement Training?
Robert Panariello MS, PT, ATC, CSCS
The lack of early age athletic “preparation” as well as the common occurrence of youth athletic “sports specialization” is presently an all too common theme in the United States. The dream of a college scholarship and perhaps an ensuing professional payday appears to often be the incentive for such early sport specialization. However, too early a sport specialization does have its consequences. An example of such a consequence is the 12-year-old baseball pitcher whom I recently rehabilitated after arthroscopic elbow surgery. According to his father “this young man is going to be the next Roger Clemens”. Obviously the father did not realize that throughout Roger Clemens athletic career, this Hall of Fame caliber pitcher never had elbow surgery. My time and experiences with this young athlete was my incentive to write this article. . . . 
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Audio Interview - Gray Cook updates the Joint by Joint ApproachAudio Interview – Gray Cook updates the Joint by Joint Approach
Anthony Renna asked Gray to update the Joint by Joint Approach a few months back on the Strength Coach Podcast. Ask Gray a question, get a 30 minute answer. Kidding Gray! It was a fantastic explanation and really takes you through his thought process so I annoyed Anthony enough he finally let me use it. Anyway, this is a must listen interview and I absolutely wanted to be able to share it with all of you. . . . keep reading

Super StiffnessSuper Stiffness
Stuart McGill, Professor of Spine Biomechanics
At a gymnastics or martial arts meet, or at a weightlifting competition, listen to the coaches advice to the athlete — Stay tight! This means to maintain stiffness. Being stiff ensures that there will be minimal energy losses as forces are transmitted through the linkages. Optimal performance requires stability, and stability results from stiffness. Stiffness in the body results from muscular co-contraction. Used properly, it will assist in getting through “sticking points”, enhance whole body strength and speed. Be stiff, and be compliant. Knowing the difference and when to be one or the other is a major way to improving performance. . . . 
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A Joint-By-Joint Approach to TrainingA Joint-By-Joint Approach to Training
Mike Boyle MA, ATC
In a recent conversation about the effect of training on the body, Cook produced one of the most lucid thought processes I have ever heard. Gray and I were discussing the findings of the Functional Movement Screen (, the needs of the different joints of the body, and how the function of the joints relates to training. One of the beauties of the Functional Movement Screen is that the screen allows us to distinguish between issues of stability and those of mobility. Cook’s thoughts were simple and led me to realize that the future of training may be a joint-by-joint approach rather than a movement-based approach. . . . 
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2012 Teleseminar Interview #4 - Pavel Tsatsouline2012 Teleseminar Interview #4 – Pavel Tsatsouline
Pavel Tsatsouline will get in-depth talking about the unique advantages of the kettlebell to training and even rehab, hot topics in rehab and performance such as breathing, grip strength, flexibility, and unilateral training. Pavel also discusses the RCK and HKC certifications, the benefits to trainers and clinicians, and which is the best option for you. Pavel is world class all the way around so don’t miss this interview! . . . keep reading

Faulty Movement Patterns in the Continuum of Care from Pain Management to Rehab to Performance Training With Craig Liebenson, D.C March 10-11, 2012 Faulty Movement Patterns in the Continuum of Care from Pain Management to Rehab to Performance Training With Craig Liebenson, D.C March 10-11, 2012
The Staley Performance Institute will be hosting Dr. Craig Liebenson and his Faulty Movement Patterns in the Continuum of Care from Pain Management to Rehab to Performance Training course. This course is designed to teach true problem solving and is extremely hands on. The course content will consist of the following: Assessment/Training of Faulty Movement Patterns bridges the gap from acute care to injury prevention to skills training. This program is ideal for any musculoskeletal practitioner who works with patients or clients that want to enhance their results. Learn the art of functional assessment of the kinetic chain and how this relates to sports function as well as injury rehab. Particular emphasis will be on the groundbreaking work of Pr.’s Janda & McGill, Gray Cook, Michael Boyle and other leaders in the athletic development. . . . keep reading

Webinar - Human Locomotion:  The Conservative Management of Gait Related DisordersWebinar – Human Locomotion: The Conservative Management of Gait Related Disorders
Dr. Thomas Michaud DC
Dr. Michaud discusses the evolution of bipedality (detail specific anatomical changes associated with improved efficiency), advances in functional anatomy, ideal motions during the gait cycle, summary of biomechanical factors associated with improved running economy, the relative merits of rearfoot versus mid/forefoot strike patterns, and treatment protocols based on three-dimensional motion analysis. . . . 
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2012 Teleseminar Interview #3 - Charlie Weingroff and Bill Hartman2012 Teleseminar Interview #3 – Charlie Weingroff and Bill Hartman
Charlie Weingroff and Bill Hartman discussing Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization and the Postural Restoration Institute methodologies. We’re constantly asked about both systems here, so I wanted Charlie and Bill to expand a bit on the foundational principles of both systems, how their views of the ‘core’ have changed or been solidified, how they’ve implemented the systems into practice, recommendations for courses, and more.. . . . keep reading

Considerations in Athletic Performance Enhancement Training: How Much Strength Do Our Athletes Need?Considerations in Athletic Performance Enhancement Training: How Much Strength Do Our Athletes Need?
Robert A. Panariello MS, PT, ATC, CSCS
Throughout my 30-year career in in the fields of Sports Rehabilitation and Athletic Performance Training, I have spent thousands of hours in conversation with many good friends and mentors in the Strength and Conditioning profession. In a specific conversation that occurred in 2009 with renowned NFL and Hall of Fame Strength Coach Johnny Parker, he expressed his concern upon reading a newspaper article reporting an 800-pound squat performance by a collegiate football player. Coach Parker’s concern was the necessity of such a high intensity squat lift as a strength requirement for the game of football and is the risk of such a high intensity squat performance worth the reward? . . . 
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ACA Rehab Council Educational SymposiumACA Rehab Council Educational Symposium
I wanted to post on this conference coming up the end of March In Las Vegas since the majority of the presenters are also frequent contributors to the site. Craig Liebenson, Sue Falsone, Lee Burton, and Phil Page will be presenting just to name a few. Looks like a fun couple of days so check it out. . . . keep reading

2012 Teleseminar Interview #2 - Cal Dietz2012 Teleseminar Interview #2 – Cal Dietz
Cal Dietz is one of the best in the business when it comes to training collegiate champions, and he has some great techniques that apply not only to strength and conditioning, but also higher level rehab. Cal will talk about his Triphasic undulating training model, submaximal high velocity training methods, the role of the CNS, applying strength and conditioning principles to injury prevention and rehab, and much more… . . . keep reading

Fluoroscopic Shoulder Investigation – Packing the Shoulder
These videos come from Dr. John DiMuro DO and Mark Toomey RKC who have teamed up to do fluoroscopic investigations of many of the joints of the body with movement and under load. I just interviewed them and will get that up soon, but in the meantime wanted to give you a little preview. . . . keep reading

2012 Teleseminar Interview #1 - Dr. Shirley Sahrmann2012 Teleseminar Interview #1 – Dr. Shirley Sahrmann
Dr. Shirley Sahrmann discusses the principles behind Movement System Impairment Syndromes including defining the movement system and why it is so important, how she classifies the syndromes, accessory motion hypermobility, and more. She also discusses some unique assessment and treatment ideas for the cervical spine, thoracic spine, knee, and foot/ankle. . . . keep reading

Exercise of the Week – Bear Crawl Variations
Joe Heiler PT, CSCS
Here’s a classic exercise with a new twist. I’ve used these variations in our strength and conditioning programs, and also with many of our higher level patients with great results. There are a number of benefits to performing these variations from stability to creating better movement patterns… . . . 
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